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The year in view 2012

Writer's picture: Bill GomanBill Goman

2012 has been a good year for Life4kids. We have had many visitors from all over the world (from Norway to USA, and Canada too) and they have all left a piece of their hearts with us. The greatest desire the kids express, is to some day be able to travel overseas and see some of these people again. And for three of our children this wish has been granted!!!! Kidz church Norway (Under the leadership of Pastors Lena and Richard and private sponsor Martina) has invited me and three of the children to come to Norway for a visit this summer!!!!! This, I am sure will be a life changing experience for all of us!

We celebrated our two year anniversary in May with a big party for all the kids and staff. The home has “officially” existed for two and a half years now, although I have worked with most of these children for the past four years – in the beginning through the feeding program (the breakfast club) and from 2010 through to today within the children’s home. The result is a radical shift in these children’s lives; to have something worth celebrating is almost unheard off, so we take every chance we can get to throw them a party! And how they all love to celebrate!  Usually it is a time of joy and laughter, sharing of a traditional feast dinner; savoring our own home grown organic chickens and the traditional tortilla type pancake called “Chapati.” The children perform dances, play games and share memories and testimonies. Everyone shares what they are especially thankful for – and it always makes us all a little sentimental! It is amazing to look back and see how far we have all come…. The difference in the children is so radical and in the staff also; they have all grown leaps and bounds in the time we have been together. I am so very thankful to be able to be a part of all of this!

I spent some time in Canada in the late summer after more than six months in Kenya. It was good to see everyone and also attend some fundraising events and speaking engagements. I am so grateful for all the people who relentlessly sacrifice their limited time and efforts to help Life4kids raise funds for running the home. I also want to thank everyone who attended a function and donated to Life4kids. Without all of your generous help we would not be able to continue. I especially want to thank the Midland Rotary Clubwho again this year awarded Life4kids a huge donation. They raised $10.000 which is a giant step towards building our own place in Ruzinga. We anticipate the building of the project to start within the next year and we are all so very excited and grateful to the Rotary Club.

Felix, one of our youngest and newest members to the family is a four year old boy we found in the gutter a few months ago. His mother is very sick with Hiv and is unable to provide for herself or him. Their circumstances forced this child to wander out into the streets to find food and he was basically left to fend for himself in a very harsh and dangerous world! We found him rummaging in the sewers 2.5 km from his home (keep in mind that he is four years old!) and I of course felt compelled to intervene. His Mother is so grateful that he is now with us, taken care off and provided for by Life4kids.

A few months ago we had a visitor from the US who runs an orphanage in Ethiopia with 60 street children. He was so taken aback with experiencing our home and how it feels like a well functioning family that he decided to go back to Ethiopia and duplicate our model in his own orphanage! What a total compliment that is!

Johnnes, one of our older boys has been sponsored this previous year by a private school in the area. (All our kids except him go to public government school) Johness is now in the final weeks before graduating and has achieved unbelievable marks:  It turns out that his overall results make him best in the entire school of 8oo students – note that this is only after one and a half years after coming from streets…!

And because of his excellence he has caused the school to want more of our students! Two of our other boys have been accepted and sponsored next year in this private school due to Johness example and performance!

I am a very, very proud leader indeed!

Hope you all have a wonderfully blessed Christmas and New Year

I send you many greetings and love from all of us at Life4kids


About Our Charity

  • Life4Kids Canada is incorporated by Letters Patent in the Province of Ontario as a not-for-profit corporation.

  • Life4Kids Canada is a registered Canadian charity under the Income Tax Act (Canada).

  • Life4Kids Canada has minimal overhead expenses (only bank fees, insurance, annual accounting). 95% of funds raised go directly to Life4kids in Kenya.

  • The home operated in Nairobi Kenya is a licensed children’s home pursuant to the Charitable Children’s Institutions in Kenya.

  • Life4Kids Canada is sponsored by private individuals, service clubs, churches, corporations and community groups.

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